Public archive

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The Transition from Freedom & Capitalism to Despotism & Socialism

I grew up in a strict family and social environment in the 1950s and 1960s. But life became freer as time went by. Part of this increase in freedom had to do with studying in London in the late sixties (a swinging place at the time), and then working in New York, and after 1973 in Hong Kong, which although not a democracy was nonetheless one of the…

Has the US become a Democracy for the Rich?

Josh Hammer, the Newsweek Opinion Editor, recently penned a brief essay entitled The American Ruling Class Reaches Its Inflection Point. According to Hammer, the late, great intellectual Angelo Codevilla (1943 – 2021), wrote in the American Spectator “America's Ruling Class,” a rare essay that was, in retrospect, so prescient as to be outright…

Why most Government Interventions fail?

In 2020, the South African government in its ultimate wisdom decided to outlaw the sale of tobacco in order to curb the spread of the coronavirus. I am not sure what the ban on smoking or for that matter on drinking had to do with the coronavirus but this was what the SA government decided at the time. Smokers quickly found other ways to source…

Afghanistan War: US Government sponsored greatest Heist

The US and specifically the CIA began to train and support the Afghan Mujahideen already in the late 1970s and, as US support grew, it actually was largely responsible for creating the Taliban that would later turn against the United States. As we know, government interventions lead to unintended political, social and economic consequences. Pepe…

Afghanistan War: US Government sponsored greatest Heist

The US and specifically the CIA began to train and support the Afghan Mujahideen already in the late 1970s and, as US support grew, it actually was largely responsible for creating the Taliban that would later turn against the United States. As we know, government interventions lead to unintended political, social and economic consequences. Pepe…

People need to Save Money in order to Pay Taxes to a Government that cannot live within its Income

Recently, Abigail Disney wrote an article entitled, I Was Taught From a Young Age to Protect My Dynastic Wealth (Miss Disney is the granddaughter of Roy Disney who founded with Walt Disney the successful entertainment company in 1923). According to Miss Disney: “When ProPublica published its report last week on the tax profiles of 25 of the…

Have Central Banks gotten out of the Central banking business into the Central planning business?

According to former US assistant secretary of education for planning, Williamson M. Evers, "If California education officials have their way, generations of students may not know how to calculate an apartment's square footage or the area of a farm field, but the 'mathematics' of political agitation and organizing will be second nature to them.…

Is a "Balance of Power" World a realistic Assumption?

According to geopolitical historian and strategist Halford J. Mackinder, "The great wars of history — we have had a world-war about every hundred years for the last four centuries - are the outcome, direct or indirect, of the unequal growth of nations, and that unequal growth is not wholly due to the greater genius and energy of some nations as…

Who should we blame for the dumbing down of some Members of Gen M?

A friend of mine, Alex Story, sent me a brief essay, which he published in The Critic and in which he reviewed Robert Wigley’s book: Born Digital – The Story of a Distracted Generation under the title: How Gen Z became Gen Me The subtitle is: “How the dominance of social media and mobile technology is making today’s teenagers less empathetic and…

Is War between the US and China inevitable?

I have a few American friends who are greatly concerned about worsening economic, social, and political conditions in the US. Several of my friends are also convinced that war between the US and China is inevitable. Until about two years ago, I thought that such an outcome was most unlikely. Recent events have, however, raised my concerns that a…
