Personal Observations

Investing has a lot to do with common sense and personal observations. The man on the street frequently knows far more about the state of the economy than politicians, university professors and financial analysts who seldom travel, or if they do so, only from one first class hotel to another first class hotel and from one golf course to another. The pulse and vibrancy of an economy is, however, nowhere more visible than in a country's entertainment venues such as bars, restaurants, nightclubs and shopping centres. 

Die WELTWOCHE 3/2014


Hong Kong around 3 AM

You are still hungry and thirsty.....!

Have a fishball soup with noodles at Wanchai's most strategic corner (Lockhart/Luard) and enjoy a great view.

After that, cross over to Neptune II. While having a couple of drinks analyze Wallstreet's closing and get carried away by the latest disco sound.
