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The Importance of the Study of Human Action and Behavior

Monthly Market Commentary: March 1, 2025


Latest Monthly Market Commentary Reports

The Importance of the Study of Human Action and Behavior

I have to confess that when I completed my studies in economics with a PhD magna cum laude in 1969, I had never heard the names of the great contemporary “Austrian School” economists such as Friedrich von Hayek (1899 – 1992), Ludwig von Mises (1881 – 1973), and Murray Rothbard (1926 – 1995). Later, when I acquired my book collection relating to…

The Inefficiencies of Governments are leading Societies towards Corruption and Crony Capitalism

The Association of Mature American Citizens (Amac), published in January an article entitled The Biden Legacy: Nearly a Trillion in Improper Payments by Rachel Greszler who wrote that, “The fiscal year 2024 data are in, and they show that the Biden administration has overseen a record $926 billion in improper and unknown federal payments since…

The Consequences of Asymmetrical Monetary Policies

Tom McClellan ( wrote recently about the similarities between 1978/1980 oil stock bubble and the current period: “1980 was when President Reagan defeated the incumbent President Jimmy Carter to win election.  Reagan's victory was both anticipated and celebrated by Wall Street, as he was seen as a ‘transformative’ candidate with…

The 2024 Trump Top

Investors would do well and remember the words of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle who opined that “It is stupidity rather than courage to refuse to recognize danger when it is close upon you.” About tariffs, the great economic journalist Henry Hazlitt said: “And this brings us to the real effect of a tariff wall. It is not merely that all its visible…

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